I recently got a new Canon D100 DSLR camera and a Sigma 17-70mm lens.

The kit itself is fantastic – the camera body is light and small, and focusses quickly and accurately. And the lens has a great range for everyday shots. Unfortunately, I'm far from the best photographer in the world, so all too often I find myself rescuing shots in Photoshop.

A regular problem I come across is that my macro shots can come out a little soft. Here's an example:

Some of the flowers are a little more blurry than I would like, but there's a quick and easy fix for that!

  1. Make a duplicate layer of the background layer
  2. Go to Filter » Other » High Pass
  3. On this example I used a radius of about 10px, but you can play around to get different results
  4. Select the new layer in your layers palette
  5. Set the blend mode to Vivid Light
  6. Adjust the opacity of the new layer to get the desired sharpness

And here's how it came out side by side: